Tumbarumba Wine
New South Wales
The Weather
Buruea of Meterology
WXMAPS – provides 5-day forecasts of vertical wind velocity and rainfall based on the US National Center for Environmental Prediction models.
Tumbarumba Weather Station – Courabyra
Tumbarumba Weather Station – Maragle
Research and guidelines for viticulture and winemaking practices
Wine Australia is a statutory authority of the Australian Government. It coordinates funding for wine and grape research, controls the export of wine and works towards expanding demand for Australian wines.
Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)combines and integrates research, development, extension and commercial services for the wine industry.
The DOG book. This provides information on registered agrochemicals (the Dog Book), spray diaries and spray applications.
National Wine and Grape Industry Centre (NWGI) at Charles Sturt University
VineHealth Australia (formerly the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Board of South Australia), is committed to minimising the risk of pests and diseases (in particular phylloxera) in vineyards, by investing in biosecurity training and awareness, policy and procedures, research and development priority setting, and preparedness, prevention and response activities, to the benefit of the South Australian and national wine industry.
Winemakers Federation of Australia is the national body for winemakers
New South Wales Wine Industry Association is the the peak NSW industry lobby group and acts as a conduit between the wine industry and the NSW Government as well as representing NSW at the Federal level through the WFA.